Awards and Milestones
Austwine turns 25
On 23 July 2014 Austwine will celebrate 25 years of incorporation. This would not have been achievable without our fantastic customers, helpful suppliers and friendly team!
Austral and Leonard Vineyards turned 10
On 22 August 2015 Austwine celebrated 10 years operation of the Austral and Leonard Vineyards in the Riverland.
Broken Plough Vineyard turned 10
On 17 January 2015 Austwine celebrated 10 years operating the Broken Plough Vineyard in the Barossa Valley. The occasion was marked with 10 bottles of St Hallett Blackwell Shiraz – 1 bottle for each vintage.
Austwine turned 21
On 23 July 2014 Austwine celebrated 21 years of incorporation. This would not have been achievable without our fantastic customers, helpful suppliers and friendly team! Thank-you for all your support over these years.
600 million litres of bulk wine transactions (including 200 million litres of bulk wine exported)
In April 2014 Austwine celebrated two significant milestones: Successfully facilitating and transacting 600 million litres of bulk wine including the successful exportation 200 million litres of bulk wine.
500 million litres of bulk wine transactions
In February 2011 Austwine celebrated a significant milestone: Successfully facilitating and transacting 500 million litres of bulk wine.
400 million litres of bulk wine transactions
In January 2009 Austwine celebrated a significant milestone: Successfully facilitating and transacting 400 million litres of bulk wine.
2008 Business South Australia Export Awards
In October 2008, Austwine was recognised at the 2008 Business South Australia Annual Dinner and Export Awards as the winner of the Agribusiness award. Along with the other South Australian winners, Austwine qualified as a finalist of the Australian Export Awards. The 2008 Business South Australia Export Award is great recognition for the team at Austwine, headed by Jim Moularadellis, and our position in the Australian bulk wine market.
Further information on the awards and all South Australian winners is available for download.
2008 Fast Movers South Australia
Austwine has once again been named as at a finalist in Fast Movers South Australia. Austwine was also named as a finalist in 2007 Fast Movers South Australia (refer below).
100 million litres of bulk wine exported
In June 2008 Austwine celebrated a significant milestone: Successfully exporting 100 million litres of bulk wine.
2007 Entrepreneur of the Year 
In September 2007, Jim Moularadellis was named the 2007 South Australian services entrepreneur of the year. In November, the 25 regional winners from across Australia were recognised at the Australian Entrepreneur of the Year awards in Melbourne. Together the finalists provide jobs to over 10,000 Australians and generate revenues in excess of $3billion. Although not winning the ultimate prize, being named a finalist was a great recognition for Jim and the team at Austwine.
2007 Fast Movers South Australia
‘in-business’ launched Fast Movers South Australia to profile some of the fastest growing South Australian businesses. In November 2007, Austwine was named a finalist in 2007 Fast Movers, having the 5th highest turnover, and 18th highest growth rate of all the finalists. Once again this was a great recognition for the team at Austwine.
300 million litres of bulk wine transactions
In February 2007 Austwine celebrated a significant milestone: Successfully facilitating and transacting 300 million litres of bulk wine.
200 million litres of bulk wine transactions
In July 2004 Austwine celebrated a significant milestone: Successfully facilitating and transacting 200 million litres of bulk wine.
100 million litres of bulk wine transactions
In March 2001 Austwine celebrated a significant milestone: Successfully facilitating and transacting 100 million litres of bulk wine.
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